As the completion of my first full year of college since WHAM was a band comes to a close, let me publicly thank my wife for her amazing support and inspiration through this grueling twelve months. I don't know why, but she truly loves me. I am a lucky, lucky man.
Thank you to California Baptist University for the quality of education that is helping me improve my abilities, increase my knowledge, and impressing on me the need to think critically about life in general and my world specifically.
My youngest three children (the ones still at home) deserve a big thank you for being more self-sufficient this year, allowing me to spend my time on my studies.
I calculated roughly that in this last year I have read over 25,000 pages of printed material (I am an English major), and have written more than 1000 pages of analytic papers for composition, literature classes, second language teaching, and linguistics. To students at other schools that may not be an extensive amount, but it was ten times as much stuff done in a twelve month period as I had done throughout the thirteen years of public school and ten years of college combined.
Looking forward, this year to come will be more literature classes, language, three education classes and my final senior project. This time next year I'll be pondering which school to do my student teaching. I'll have taken my CSET tests, and I'll be ready to rock and roll. Have a GREAT year. I know I will.
Thank you to California Baptist University for the quality of education that is helping me improve my abilities, increase my knowledge, and impressing on me the need to think critically about life in general and my world specifically.
My youngest three children (the ones still at home) deserve a big thank you for being more self-sufficient this year, allowing me to spend my time on my studies.
I calculated roughly that in this last year I have read over 25,000 pages of printed material (I am an English major), and have written more than 1000 pages of analytic papers for composition, literature classes, second language teaching, and linguistics. To students at other schools that may not be an extensive amount, but it was ten times as much stuff done in a twelve month period as I had done throughout the thirteen years of public school and ten years of college combined.
Looking forward, this year to come will be more literature classes, language, three education classes and my final senior project. This time next year I'll be pondering which school to do my student teaching. I'll have taken my CSET tests, and I'll be ready to rock and roll. Have a GREAT year. I know I will.