Monday, September 30, 2013

About Me

    How I wish I could write the story of my life, without self-pity, or transferring responsibility, or any imagined or real slights to me. The historical fiction would tell of a well-adjusted and confident youth who was successful, and when those times when a setback or even failure reared their ugly head he walked away better for the experience. The story of that youth would be about a boy who was average size and weight, who just was cute, but not outstanding, was smart, but not brilliant.

    So much for fantasy. "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives" Genesis 50.20 NIV. Truth is that I was a lucky boy born to great Christian parents. I was small and skinny, with overly large ears and head on top of my tiny body. This was not acceptable to me. I wanted to be the BMOC (Big Man On Campus). Too small for the athletic guy I wanted to be, and too squirrely to be the leader of men I thought I could be. Most of all, too rebellious to listen to wise counsel and walk in the steps of the wise. I was sincerely my own worst enemy. When it came to the well-being of others, I was Mr. Altruistic. My definition of Meekness was "the Christian Doormat."

    I wish I could write that I was the Quarterback and Centerfielder through High School, that I was voted Friendliest, that I was known for standing for Christ and was not a freak. I want to tell the world I traveled and shared the Gospel,  I want to tell the story of a benevolence and youth ministry, of the life-changing work of a college graduate, fulfilling the personal dream and calling of God on my life.

    I am a husband, a father, a brother, friend, nephew, uncle, and a son. I love God, and try to serve Him, but fall so short. Praise the Lord of Heaven and Earth that He gives us another chance. I am planning on being a teacher, and am a few classes short in order to go to the next level of my plan. The real world and my imaginary one are so different.

    I am flawed, but not defeated. I am blessed in so many ways. I trust in God, follow Jesus as my Savior and am so lucky my best friend, wife, or soul-mate is a Christian and a Godly woman. She exudes patience just being with me daily. "I thank my God every time I remember you. Philippians 1.3 NIV"