I have been remarried for 11 + years. The first one was supposed to be magic, mystical, and super - it was none of those. The second one is my last one. She is my soul mate. In addition, I have learned that marriage is a process of working things out, give and more give, and pure devotion and trust.
I am sad to see so many friends struggling with spouses. The Evil One rejoices when discord is any one's anthem from home. I am not preaching or giving advice, because that would make me the hypocrite of hypocrites. It is an observational muse, only an awful feeling of loss. When a man and woman vow before God and their family and friends to become one "'til death do us part," that vow means something. It does not mean that supernatural forces will fix every fight, that personal baggage will magically disappear and not be an issue with spouses. It means that a married couple will try their best to understand and work out problems.
Even if that working out is giving up self for the sake of the marriage, the bond between a man and a woman is sacred and must not be ignored, disgraced, or deceived. Cooperation, communication, and concentration on the other spouse above yourself is the best recipe for a successful marriage.
I love my wife more than human words can express. Unfortunately, I can't even show her a slight measure of my love by my actions. She shows me every day what real love is. Her ability to give and give, get beaten down by her kids, her work, or by me or my problems, and still continue to give and love unconditionally. She is amazing, and I am so lucky. I need to get myself together on a daily basis. This is why my kids, my nieces, and my friends problems all bring me down so far. I personally know how much work it takes, or conversely, how easy it is to destroy if regular maintenance is not administered.