Thank you for allowing me to borrow your line, Mr. Phil Vassar. Yesterday I was trying to register for my final semester at California Baptist University, with a graduation target of B.A. in English on May 3, 2008. I was told there was a hold on my account and Student Accounts needed to see me. I went in and spoke to a very sweet, professional woman who explained that tuition had gone up $10 per unit, that I no longer received a $500 per semester scholarship, and my loan covered about 80% of my costs, not including books. So I am sitting in this chair and I feel like I took a cheap shot in the back of the head.
My dilemma, is that I am waiting for transcripts of my college experience to get to Jurupa Unified School District so I can be a substitute teacher for the remainder of this school year until I complete my certification process for teaching in California. Jurupa Unified is one of the only Districts that allow substitutes that are not yet certified, but have completed 90 units toward their B.A. degree. CBU has a policy that they will not release transcripts or diploma until a students balance is ZERO. I can't get this job to make money to pay bills without transcipts being released. As Jane said in "Fun With Dick and Jane", "We're in a bit of a pickle, Dick!"
I am applying for another subsidy loan to cover the balance, and if I am approved, then after a little longer wait I will get the sub job to make enough $ to pay back the short term subsidy loan, and then roll on with my plan of teaching high school and making more of this life I have been blessed with.