Friday, December 7, 2007

Motivation Only Comes From Within

I was sitting in my college class last week and heard my Professor exclaim that growing up on the east coast and living in Europe had made it very easy for him to love southern California, but he admitted it was hard to get into Christmas with 70 - 80 degree days, and the general lack of concern people here have for others. Actuating as I have from Colorado, I am also drawn to the "white" of the winter season as well as the crispness of sub-freezing temperatures. I truly miss the Christmas season. Unlike my prof, I miss Colorado ALL THE TIME.

I have the most awesome companion in life. My wife, my sweetie, my love is such a fantastic woman, and she has taught me so many life lessons, and this one I finally get - the outer esoteric "stuff" that we humans count on to change our mood or motivate our actions is not important, the mind and the heart of the individual is where true behavior derives, whether it's positive or negative.

Remember this Christmas to hug those you love, be kind to those you don't, and above all, give God all the praise for giving his Son to us as the Ultimate Gift of love, to weak and pathetic humans who don't deserve anything from God accept contempt for our lack of respect and punishment for our behavior.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Almost Everything is Changeable

I have heard it said far too many times, "(Insert a name here) will never change. He/She is just as (insert a negative personal characteristic here) now as they have ever been." The laughable part is that as humans nothing is ever the same twice. Just as ironic is the millions of people on this big blue rock who are resistant even to the point of animosity toward change. If repeating perfectly was easy, many many people would be far better at sports, art, and music. Other activities would be far more simple and more frequently mastered, like typing out forms at work, driving, exercising, cleaning, etc.

I need to insert a disclaimer here, that people who chose to talk without conscience, or let alcohol or drugs control their actions are not diseased anymore than people with red hair or that are left hand dominant are satanic. This argument is not of any substance and usually a lazy excuse for foolishness. Those who choose to give in consistently to fleshly desires (booze, drugs, overeating, sex, lying, gossip, narcissism) have no one but themselves to blame for their plight, although most will be quick to blame "any port in a storm".

The beauty of this problem is that choices abound for every individual - to exercise instead of smoking that pipe or poppin' those pills, to paint, sing, or write and put the bottle away. To talk to a friend or a professional counselor instead of going to the Internet porn, to chew carrots and celery instead of a dozen doughnuts. Even in our speech, change is doable. Swearing isn't necessary, and gossip is a choice as well. But beware of the devout who gossip under veiled curtains of prayer requests or concerns for brothers and sisters in Christ.

The only thing I can find that can not change is that promise of peace, joy, and the security deep inside from God 's promise. No matter where you turn and what you do, God's promise is there - the opportunity to live with an assurance of salvation, more than a fleeting feeling when nice things happen, but an assurance from your soul that the Holy Spirit is your guide. Not that this makes the trip easier, because that is hardly ever the case. Courage and strength come from doing what is right and usually you have to brave a current of popular opinion to go the right direction.

Friends can be fickle - Look at the example from the Bible of how the citizens of Jerusalem cried out HOSANNA! when Jesus entered the city, and they laid palm branches in front of him as a sign of regal acknowledgment. Then less than one week later, their cries were CRUCIFY HIM! On the other hand, the thief crucified beside Jesus changed his heart and Jesus promised him a place in Paradise in the man's final minutes of life. Change is inevitable, if we learn anything from nature. The choice is a natural process. Why not choose to live a life of happiness, joy and trust instead of deceit, selfishness, and misery?