I am intrigued by this cause because, for one, my blog is named 'God, Others, and me' based on this same teaching. Secondly, No one church or pastor or celebrity is at the forefront. This is truly a non-profit movement to create revival in the people, another evangelism tool. This planet could do with less hate, less greed, less crud, and more Jesus in every life.
While most will acknowledge Jesus as teacher, philosopher, and all-around-good egg, as they do Confucius, Buddha, Mohammad, and Gandhi, Jesus claimed HE WAS GOD. Jesus taught, lived, and died, and then three days later rose from the dead to be seen by hundreds of people - something the aforementioned group did not do - and this is an attempt to bring more people closer and into a deeper relationship with Lord of all, Jesus Christ.
I am Second even has a support system where you can talk to counselors or even a small group to continue to grow in the Lord.
I believe in this program, even without the celebrity endorsement, because of my faith. I need to grow and learn more just like everyone else. The beauty is that Jesus accepts me the way I am, and gives me room to grow, not expecting me to grow in order to attain Him.