Scratch it out with pad and pen -
Miserable, shaken, all trust amiss -
My heart on paper - I must begin -
As low feeling as betrayal's kiss -
I see the path, but still I stray -
My weakness Lord, You know so well -
Your Light of Truth burns everyday -
Forfeiting glory for this human shell -
Reaching for Your hand, dear Jesus -
I need Your touch of grace -
To have Your gentle leading -
Warmth and peace in Your embrace -
Every day there's more to do -
Your gifts are for the taking -
People clamour for a tangible You -
That is me, no longer faking -
Reaching for Your hand, dear Jesus -
I need Your touch of grace -
To have Your gentle leading -
Warmth and peace in Your embrace -
When I'm weak, You are the strongest -
I come up short, You hold the longest -
Your still small voice is my solitary guide -
Reaching for Your hand, dear Jesus -
I need Your touch of grace -
To have Your gentle leading -
The warmth and peace of Your embrace -
Miserable, shaken, all trust amiss -
My heart on paper - I must begin -
As low feeling as betrayal's kiss -
I see the path, but still I stray -
My weakness Lord, You know so well -
Your Light of Truth burns everyday -
Forfeiting glory for this human shell -
Reaching for Your hand, dear Jesus -
I need Your touch of grace -
To have Your gentle leading -
Warmth and peace in Your embrace -
Every day there's more to do -
Your gifts are for the taking -
People clamour for a tangible You -
That is me, no longer faking -
Reaching for Your hand, dear Jesus -
I need Your touch of grace -
To have Your gentle leading -
Warmth and peace in Your embrace -
When I'm weak, You are the strongest -
I come up short, You hold the longest -
Your still small voice is my solitary guide -
Reaching for Your hand, dear Jesus -
I need Your touch of grace -
To have Your gentle leading -
The warmth and peace of Your embrace -