When I was but a wee little lad, my parents taught me to walk, talk, obey, respect, laugh, and most importantly love. Their example and diligent instruction were the best foundation that my life could have been given. The love for God, each other, and their family is to this day the lighthouse beacon my ship of life follows when I have trouble finding the way. Now the puzzle isn't simple, as I have a totally unique personality and traits that neither parent could relate to, let alone understand. Which again proves that unconditional love, the Godly example of my parents love for me is honkin' awesome!
I sit at this computer, just a few weeks removed from a terrible dilemma and yet God has proven yet again His faithfulness and desire for my wife, myself, and my family to be okay is important. I'm not talking Joel Osteen successful, where we tell God we want prosperity and if we are faithful then we get it rom God, I'm talking about having a family, pleasing God by living in accordance with laws and statutes (even if, as a major example, your HOA is a thieving, money grubbing, location of Gehenna on earth, but that's a rabbit trail for another day!). There are definitely days when I don't measure up to any standards of right, but God is faithful, forgiving, and forever able to teach me and allow me to grow and learn to be more like Jesus every day of my life.
This is where I humbly tell you again how great my parents were, are, and will be as they live and love us as examples of Christ. Ladies and Germs, I was an unbelievable pain in the posterior and yet these meek, shy, circumspect people raised me to be the best me I could be. I am both grateful and awed at their lives. How can I not give my all with a foundation as great as that? This life we have been given is a blink compared to eternity, so, giving 100% is what we are called to give.
So what does this have to do with regret? Truthfully, everything - or absolutely nothing. In these moments of reflection I could write about World issues, Current Event topics, and give you my opinions based on either some factoid I've pulled out of the sky or a feeling I have toward something or someone in the news. Actually, I have written both of those ways recently --- I have also found a voice giving an ear to my past and the many things I wish I could change, people I would treat differently, etc., but today I am just thankful and so proud to be the son of Kaloma and Charles -
No regrets