How sad our country has become --- we listen to people on radio and TV acting like children, then other people come on the TV and radio afterwards and tell you what you heard - like you couldn't hear them in the first place. I'm not for either candidate. I believe this GIF tells everything -
I am re-reading the biography by Henry Ketcham titled, The Life of Abraham Lincoln and Ketcham shows that the political machine even back then was sketchy and corrupt. Abraham Lincoln was such a new and fresh figure in Washington D.C. in 1861 that his life was jeopardy on a daily basis. He had bodyguards due to daily threats.
These two people on the big stage running for the position of President of the United States are a mockery of our political system. Hillary is like the Barry Bonds of politics. She has never been caught with the steroid needle sticking out of her derriere, but the preponderance of evidence against her is so overwhelming, and the trail of corruption is just exhaustingly obvious. And yet, the liberal media is doing everything in their power to make Donald Trump out to be the Antichrist, and completely fool John Q. Public.
The Donald was originally a breath of fresh air in the political landscape but then he spoke, and continues to speak without the use of advisors or any human. Again, I reiterate ... How sad for America.
Matthew 22:36-40 NIV We read, listen, watch, live, and learn minute by minute - The focus has to be on God and not on ourselves -
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Bwah Wah Wah, Bah Wah Bwah Bwah
Talk - there is a lot of it these days. Many, many words are being said about many, many things. Thanks to six hundred channels on cable or satellite TV, and news on half of those channels, as well as social media being so prevalent and accessible (obviously, I'm even a writer on the internet) that any and all opinions can be put out there. Andrew Shepherd, a fictional President in the movie The American President starring Michael Douglas gave a speech at the end of the movie that is truth. The meat of the speech is as poignant to our reality today as it was in the movie 20 + years ago. The President said,
American men of Western European decent do not speak for me. Fundamentalist Christian leaders don't speak for me. I have my own mind (for the present) and can see things - usually multi-sided, even intentionally muddled things can be pondered and understood by this college educated, unemployed student working on a new career in his mid fifties. Lately I have been watching the news with the attitude of Charlie Brown, Linus Van Pelt, Peppermint Patty, and the rest of the Peanuts gang. Every time an adult speaks, all that is audible is "Bwah Wah Wah, Bah Wah Bwah Bwah."
Therefore, I have serious issues with a Presidential candidate that doesn't seem to care about right and wrong, who's fat is always in the fire, and will say anything to exonerate themselves. I also find it a puzzler that a non-politician with fresh perspective vying for the leader of our Country shows arrogance, bigotry, and a total lack of diplomacy every time the mouth is open.
And this whole falderal over our posture during the National anthem is so tired and ridiculous. Seriously, those who are freaking out about it are laying down, lounging, or sitting on their couches while the station airs it before every sporting event. That is so hypocritical I truly feel like screaming when any news media outlet is more concerned over who's up or down more than the why. And when 'credible' media like Mr. Limbaugh as an example misquote and twist the facts for ratings points and actual servicemen and women are saying quite clearly that they understand it's not about them or their service, but for the inequality in a Country founded and built on "All men (and women) are created equal..."
Let's stop banging the drum for gun control and make the screening process better. Our government should pour those millions in raises they give themselves into mental health care - not as an easy out for the privileged who commit crimes, but to receive help BEFORE they get that far. This country has become so inconsistent. Freedom of religion has been changed to freedom from religion. It is laughable that Kurt Warner and Tim Tebow are vilified and ridiculed because of their overt and proud professions of faith in God and Christian lifestyles, while the Kardashians, Miley, and numerous others become role models because of their decadence, hedonism, and lack of morals.
Crime is a serious problem in America. Criminals 'rights' are heralded over victims now in many cases. We also have a problem with a minority of Peace Officers who feel they are above the laws and peoples they are sworn to protect. The system needs to be prepared to deal with those individuals and not lump every badge together as evil. Citizens of any race or ethnicity are welcome into this stew that is the United States of America. I call it a stew because it isn't a melting pot, it is a stew with its own unique flavors to both blend with and enhance the other flavors that have all come together for a meal.
The sign on the Statue of Liberty reads "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these homeless, these tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door" Emma Lazarus The New Colossus. The book of James, one of the letters in the Bible's New Testament tells us "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world" Js 1.27 NIV. There was a time ( I read about it in books) when politicians were altruistic and more concerned with this country than with their jobs, their money, or their power.
Their was a time when those who preached God's Word didn't build monuments to themselves, they didn't preach giving and take millions in salary and estates. Again, not all politicians are greedy, selfish, lying, cheats. Not all Pastors are power mongers with greed and other sinful appetites as glaring stumbling blocks for their ministry. Its hard to understand these folks when they speak, because all that comes out is "Bwah Wah Wah, Bah Wah Bwah Bwah." I love Jesus and praise Him for rescuing me from hell, and I love this country, the best country in the world. I know the church has problems, and so does our political system. I can be one who creates change.
“…America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours…”
Talk - Words - Sharing ideas - The art of communication is NOT just talking, it also requires listening. I want to hear what you have to say. I want to hear what men and women who are protesting for equality have to say. I absolutely loved my wife's aunt and cousins visiting from West Virginia, coming clear to California to spend time with family. Not only did we have great big fun with them, but we talked about events in the news and shared ideas and opinions and no one got their feelings hurt, no one cussed the other, and nobody got punched, stabbed or shot.
I share my opinions with my neighbors, and they respond, and nothing bad happens. Even my wife and I differ on certain subjects. She and I have come to terms on important family stuff, and discuss world events in order to learn about viewpoints other than our own. Why then are there those in my country who are trying to force others to abandon their rights and follow a path they don't have to follow?
Now, to be contradictory, if you are on a bad side of the argument, where you find yourself in error, just be able to admit it. In others words listen to those who are talking, and don't over talk them, or shout your point, or stop communicating all together. Also, don't tell me what this person or that person said or meant, because I played gossip as a kid, and the message always got screwed up. I distain those who tell me I can't understand the situation because of my gender, my skin color, or my address. If I don't understand, I will ask, and I know who I will and won't ask for clarification. I will not ask the exaggerator, or the one who's personal agenda is whittled in to the subject. I won't listen to those who are pathological liars, or those who only talk about themselves.American men of Western European decent do not speak for me. Fundamentalist Christian leaders don't speak for me. I have my own mind (for the present) and can see things - usually multi-sided, even intentionally muddled things can be pondered and understood by this college educated, unemployed student working on a new career in his mid fifties. Lately I have been watching the news with the attitude of Charlie Brown, Linus Van Pelt, Peppermint Patty, and the rest of the Peanuts gang. Every time an adult speaks, all that is audible is "Bwah Wah Wah, Bah Wah Bwah Bwah."
Therefore, I have serious issues with a Presidential candidate that doesn't seem to care about right and wrong, who's fat is always in the fire, and will say anything to exonerate themselves. I also find it a puzzler that a non-politician with fresh perspective vying for the leader of our Country shows arrogance, bigotry, and a total lack of diplomacy every time the mouth is open.
And this whole falderal over our posture during the National anthem is so tired and ridiculous. Seriously, those who are freaking out about it are laying down, lounging, or sitting on their couches while the station airs it before every sporting event. That is so hypocritical I truly feel like screaming when any news media outlet is more concerned over who's up or down more than the why. And when 'credible' media like Mr. Limbaugh as an example misquote and twist the facts for ratings points and actual servicemen and women are saying quite clearly that they understand it's not about them or their service, but for the inequality in a Country founded and built on "All men (and women) are created equal..."
Let's stop banging the drum for gun control and make the screening process better. Our government should pour those millions in raises they give themselves into mental health care - not as an easy out for the privileged who commit crimes, but to receive help BEFORE they get that far. This country has become so inconsistent. Freedom of religion has been changed to freedom from religion. It is laughable that Kurt Warner and Tim Tebow are vilified and ridiculed because of their overt and proud professions of faith in God and Christian lifestyles, while the Kardashians, Miley, and numerous others become role models because of their decadence, hedonism, and lack of morals.
Crime is a serious problem in America. Criminals 'rights' are heralded over victims now in many cases. We also have a problem with a minority of Peace Officers who feel they are above the laws and peoples they are sworn to protect. The system needs to be prepared to deal with those individuals and not lump every badge together as evil. Citizens of any race or ethnicity are welcome into this stew that is the United States of America. I call it a stew because it isn't a melting pot, it is a stew with its own unique flavors to both blend with and enhance the other flavors that have all come together for a meal.
The sign on the Statue of Liberty reads "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these homeless, these tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door" Emma Lazarus The New Colossus. The book of James, one of the letters in the Bible's New Testament tells us "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world" Js 1.27 NIV. There was a time ( I read about it in books) when politicians were altruistic and more concerned with this country than with their jobs, their money, or their power.
Their was a time when those who preached God's Word didn't build monuments to themselves, they didn't preach giving and take millions in salary and estates. Again, not all politicians are greedy, selfish, lying, cheats. Not all Pastors are power mongers with greed and other sinful appetites as glaring stumbling blocks for their ministry. Its hard to understand these folks when they speak, because all that comes out is "Bwah Wah Wah, Bah Wah Bwah Bwah." I love Jesus and praise Him for rescuing me from hell, and I love this country, the best country in the world. I know the church has problems, and so does our political system. I can be one who creates change.
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