. . . before we realize he is not a man at all? Just because a human male has reached the age of puberty, simply made it to their eighteenth birthday, been allowed by law to be emancipated, does not equate to the ability to be a man. I am not talking about guys who in their immaturity repent, stop acting the "macho" fool, and begin to humbly walk with God. I am also not talking about those who so radically and passionately oppose God and His ways. I am writing today about those who are so full of their own folly, so blinded by pride and ignorance that they wash back and forth, finding a comfortable wave to take them in one direction or the next. Males that in actuality stand for nothing, and talk as if they stood for everything. Males that when push come to shove, look out only for their own pleasures, rights, and needs. Women and children be forgotten - you do not exist to such a creature, nor does responsibility, morality, or any creed save "It IS all about me!"
I tried to be that kind of guy when I first left home as a nineteen year old kid. Unfortunately (or actually FORTUNATELY) I was raised not to be that selfish, hedonistic jerk and that lifestyle became extinct to me before my twenty first birthday. It isn't as if I am preaching the evils of something I know nothing about. I hurt many people, people with potential and good in them, that may never get there because of my actions as a stupid kid.
What is more the pity are the males in their twenties, thirties, and even forties that still live this way, leaving children fatherless, leaving good women searching for love and sticking with any reasonable facsimile they can find. I have had it with boys who got my daughters, my nieces, and their friends pregnant, and either flew the coop, or preyed on the ladies needs and bring nothing to the relationship except the "me first" attitude. The latent masculine behavior in me wishes to beat them all into little submissive piles of protoplasm, however I can see that that is not the correct solution. That would be groveling down to their level, and would solve nothing.
Being an example of positive, manly behavior hasn't sparked any change either. Therefore I must access that these jerks with the XY chromosomes will not change, and I cannot effect that change. So the change must happen inside of my heart. How can I reach out to those they leave hurting in the wake of this "macho" bull? That is my dilemma. Being a Godly man is so much more than saying your prayers and going to church. Although those parts are important - The man born blind that was healied by Jesus in John 9 told the Pharisees and other men attacking his credibility that ". . . God does not listen to sinners, but to the Godly man who does His will" (John 9:31 NIV). Paul told the Romans that God has been producing evidence of His existence, His power and His love for humanity since the creation, so no one is without excuse for their disobedient behavior (Romans 1:18 NIV).
I tried to be that kind of guy when I first left home as a nineteen year old kid. Unfortunately (or actually FORTUNATELY) I was raised not to be that selfish, hedonistic jerk and that lifestyle became extinct to me before my twenty first birthday. It isn't as if I am preaching the evils of something I know nothing about. I hurt many people, people with potential and good in them, that may never get there because of my actions as a stupid kid.
What is more the pity are the males in their twenties, thirties, and even forties that still live this way, leaving children fatherless, leaving good women searching for love and sticking with any reasonable facsimile they can find. I have had it with boys who got my daughters, my nieces, and their friends pregnant, and either flew the coop, or preyed on the ladies needs and bring nothing to the relationship except the "me first" attitude. The latent masculine behavior in me wishes to beat them all into little submissive piles of protoplasm, however I can see that that is not the correct solution. That would be groveling down to their level, and would solve nothing.
Being an example of positive, manly behavior hasn't sparked any change either. Therefore I must access that these jerks with the XY chromosomes will not change, and I cannot effect that change. So the change must happen inside of my heart. How can I reach out to those they leave hurting in the wake of this "macho" bull? That is my dilemma. Being a Godly man is so much more than saying your prayers and going to church. Although those parts are important - The man born blind that was healied by Jesus in John 9 told the Pharisees and other men attacking his credibility that ". . . God does not listen to sinners, but to the Godly man who does His will" (John 9:31 NIV). Paul told the Romans that God has been producing evidence of His existence, His power and His love for humanity since the creation, so no one is without excuse for their disobedient behavior (Romans 1:18 NIV).
I am sick of punks and thugs being idiots and laying blame at the feet of manliness. It is a pretty shallow and pathetic individual that refuses to grow, or adapt, if you feel more comfortable with that expression, and ACT like a man by forgiving, communicating those differences, even treating women and children as precious commodities and not trophies on a shelf.
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