My mom deserves a great mansion, servants at her beck-and-call, a climate of sunny days, balmy breezes, and her grand children and great-grand children coming to visit regularly, not staying too long but being ever ready to brighten her day. The reason my mother deserves such a life is because she raised me, the cause of all those gray hairs. As we come to the day set aside to honor our matriarchs, I can not begin to honor my mom enough. I love her so, and I know for a fact that if I could give her all she deserves, she wouldn't accept it anyway.
She is a giver, and most often when given an opportunity to receive, she sheepishly declines. In other words, mom has a hard time taking ANYTHING from others, but she would be the first or at the least second to give time, energy, supplies, or a loving ear or shoulder to someone in need. In my lifetime, I have rarely seen her need someone (other than dad)'s help, but I watch her almost on a daily basis help her church family (the lucky folks at the Disciples of Christ Church in Fort Morgan, Colorado), her immediate family (mother, two sisters and their families, one brother and his family, dad's family, and her son and daughter plus their families), and her extended family, neighbors, and friends past and present.
Mom, you inspire me. I love you so much, and I owe you more than I could ever give back. Thank you, and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
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