Very important educational fact of my life - WARNING - The next sentence is heavy in spiritual content - if reading about God and spiritual matters offends, don't read any more - Simply go to the comment section and leave your name or screen name so I can pray for you-
Prayer is a great thing! In Philippians chapter 4, Paul, while sitting in a stinking hell-hole of a jail awaiting execution for his belief and actions thereby coinciding with his belief in Christ as Savior and Lord wrote to the church and told them to handle their little problems with joy, and pray in EVERY situation. Don't worry, but pray - and my favorite part of this specific lesson is in the verse following the command to pray - verse seven is so clear and yet I have heard preacher after preacher screw it up. "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus" (ASV). Too bad Paul didn't say, whatever you ask for, whatever is the source of your worry, if you are in my good graces and have done all the right things, your thoughts are Godly, and your heart is pure, then you will get whatever you want or need.
To sum up, don't worry, give up control to God. Pastor Greg Laurie defines worry as a "lack of trust in God." At the point that you give it up to God, your life will be at peace, the most fantastic peace too awesome to understand, regardless of God's answer to your situation.
I use this forum to confess -
I need God to take away the stress of our finances. I need to give Him my stress over our finances. Pam is working herself too hard, I am not working enough, and our bills are beginning to overwhelm us. I am rolling on toward a teaching job, ignoring the latest budget news about education cuts and the possible scarcity of teaching jobs for newbies like me. My school bill is so high I can't get my diploma when I graduate in May, until it gets paid in full.
I must put into motion the actions I am professing with my words. End of blog, I have a "prayervious" engagement!
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