Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Peace, Joy, and Responsibility

I sit and watch over and over the footage of tragedies aftermath. I hurt inside for those who lost loved ones and for families torn apart. In that same moment I thank God for protecting my family, for giving me so much to glory in - it doesn't seem fair. If I think long enough and choke back my tears I can even rejoice in the blessings God has entrusted to me --- but then I begin to feel selfish and I again hurt for those who are hurting.

My empathic mood is not all together based on reality - my personal tragedy experiences pale in comparison to the Columbine High School, The World Trade Center attacks, Oklahoma City, The Batman or Sandy Hook Elementary Shootings, or The Bombings at The Boston Marathon. However, I do know helplessness and have fallen at the feet of the Creator to plead, to yell, and to just thank God for seeing us through very tough times. The degree of pain and suffering aside, I get distracted and a lot put out by those who find the deepest pockets to blame in these ugly situations.

"God, why aren't you here, protecting us like Superman, Thor, or The Fantastic Four? God why did you allow those little children to be slaughtered? Why do You let these unstable people to live and take away fiance's, families, parents, and children from innocents?" The societal excuses to find God as the bad guy confuse and anger me. I have answers for these dilemmas - the answers are from God's word. This however creates another dilemma. I cannot talk to "Non-God" people, for the sake of clarification, using God's book, because they don't believe it's truths. My heart sings with the majesty and the greatness that My God lives in. I fully admit to not having answers to those questions. The answers I have are that He created us all and gives us free will to choose our path. God is not a dictatorial despot who wishes to have automatonic drones do His bidding. How great is the joy of a parent when their child makes his/her way in the world, succeeding on their own. Is it better to hold your child's bike forever, or let go and relish in the joy of the ride?

I selfishly pray for God to send Jesus soon. I also believe that He "is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance" II Peter 3.9 NIV. The illustration of the birds in the winter and the man who chose not to go to church but couldn't communicate with the birds to show them shelter, thinking if only I could be a bird for a brief time to show them the barn ... God please be with our country, those who are hurting, and those who are healers. Thank You.

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