I rarely talk about myself in this forum, but I have to admit I'm frustrated, and I'm annoyed. Briefly, my frustration comes from the people of earth and their learned behaviors, specifically hatred for other human beings because of the color of their skin, or some ideology difference. I'm very annoyed that these people seem to blame their hatred on those they are focusing their hatred upon.
Going backward in history, this very United States of America wasn't always united. The Civil War was anything but, and hundreds of thousands of Americans died fighting over the rights of a nationality of humans who were thought to be inferior because of the color of their skin, their customs, and their availability. My mind completely fragments that humans can be so callous, so stupid to other humans.
I wasn't around Europe in the 1930's and 40's, but I have read, heard from survivors, and seen photos and videos of the period prior to the Second World War. Germany got its proverbial butt kicked in WWI and turned to a racist little soldier who convinced them all their ills and problems were the fault of another ethnicity living amongst them. So as the little racist grew in popularity and power the country of Germany began to use force to take over other countries, and attempted to systematically wipe out an entire race, the Jewish race, from the Earth.
These and other horrific examples of hatred just in our country from the actions of last 150 plus years should be enough to change even the dullest mind, to bring experience into focus. But it hasn't - not enough to stop the stupid rhetoric of hate, the out and out abuse of power, and the detestable and senseless murders across America, most in the name of hate. Men with darker skin being arrested and literally beaten for minor things, Dark skinned people being threatened and even shot for simply being profiled, and celebrities and athletes having to use stages meant for celebrating to speak out against the injustice.
I am proud to live in the greatest country on this planet. Am I proud of everything, absolutely and unequivocally NO. We are a relatively new Country, and many things about those who set us up are amazing. We are the one of the richest, and one of the top producers for the whole world. Our military is so good, the United States almost always come out on top unless politicians get in the way. We are resilient, compassionate, tough, and unfortunately free to live, to which a few pathetic and loathsome persons take advantage. Don't get me wrong, the gutless acts of the men and women murdering countless innocent humans is lower than despicable. The answers are not to easily point fingers, but to offer an ear or a hand. That is what Jesus would do
Blame - what does it accomplish? Blaming the political leader of the country is not fair - the problem has been around long before he took office. In fact, his revered predecessor had many hate grimes happen on his watch. The only bothersome issue with our President is that his words are a beacon to the supremacists - the El Paso shooter's Manifesto is right off Trump's twitter feed. Mental health has become a target for blame, and the arguments for health care issues simply have become a platform for political views.
Another opportunity for blame is gun laws/control. My opinion on this subject is that illegal guns should have been being confiscated all along, and the ability to buy one should be much more stringent. Do I believe the NRA is a corrupt, powerful political machine? Yes I do. My opinion is that as this big machine, they are paying more than just one political party. It doesn't make sense that they wouldn't hedge their bet. Lobbyists are thick as flies at the outhouse - another point on how broken our Country is. I've even heard very smart men argue that our nation is under attack from Spiritual forces. While I whole-heartedly agree that The Evil One is hard at work, this isn't the Promised Land and other Godless countries in our world don't have this problem.
As the last word on hatred, this country's citizens hate of anyone who disagrees with their views is such an ironic fallacy. Users of Social Media, entertainers, and even athletes and businesses are scolded and held up to such harsh scrutiny and ridicule for OPINIONS. Our President is not the cause, he is a symptom of the bigger problem. Blaming this nation's ills on those with different colored skin, or a belief system contrary to ours will not cure the problem. It hasn't worked for years and years. Childlike love, color-blind and genuine will be the balm that this country must have. I truly am embarrassed to be a white male. I love people - all people regardless of color, economic or social standing, or ideology. I am hoping that makes a difference.
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