Bless every one of those volunteers at the polls - no matter what their level of competence, their patience with the throngs of humanity waiting to cast a fundamental cog in the republic of the USA. I spent over two and a half hours total on two occasions waiting for computer problems and just downright long lines to vote for the myriad of things on the ballot here in California (or Kah * lee * fohn * yah if you recognize the Austrian Governator's pronunciation). I stood and watched individuals take advantage of lines, and due to the selfish or stupid behavior of those few, the time in line increased for everyone. I will explain -
The line was a single line until you got to the little room with the volunteers, tables, and computers, when it split to A-L and M-Z for the last name, to acquire signature and verification and the magic card to collect the votes. While waiting, just from the little room, I was three people from the table in the A-L line. At least four people behind me in line went to the M-Z line because there was no wait, only to have a last name in the OTHER category, so they just slid them over instead of making them return to the back of the line. When I finally reached the table, they informed us the computers were down and two different voluteers were trying to get through to tech support, and both were telling everyone the line was busy. The lady in line behind me suggested to the volunteers at the table only one should call, while the other takes care of issues like these people "cutting" in line, the general chaos that prevailed in the room, and anything else on her mind at the time.
After waiting one hour longer for the repair of computers, I had too many obligations to wait, with kids getting out of school, homework, football practice, etc., so I left with intent to return and vote. The process concluded at 8:23 PST, my vote is now cast.
Why is the old "X" the box ballot so bad?
Matthew 22:36-40 NIV We read, listen, watch, live, and learn minute by minute - The focus has to be on God and not on ourselves -
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
If This Is Being Blessed, Can I Please Be Not-So-Much?
In the NIV translation, James 1 :2-4 says, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." I hold to that promise with my whole heart. There is however a fleshly part of my being that wants a spiritual hammock, balmy breeze, cold beverage and free time to get out of this pressure cooker called life. Like a timeout or a commercial break to allow important things to get done, as well as rest to be accomplished.
I am all too aware or the reap-what-you-sew part of life (Gal. 6:8). Jesus promised that the burden would not be easy, or the pathway either, for that matter, and my earthly consequences are truly "bummin' me out, dude!" I am not joyful. I am self degrading, unrealistic, and according to my family 'quite the grump', to use "Disney Language".
So, recognition of these awful and destructive attributes has led me to want to change for the better - like, totally." However, I intimately understand when the apostle Paul told said that which he hates doing is the act he does, and vice versa. This is so chopping me up. So I sign off to work on my math. Chow, Adios, Ba-Bye!
I am all too aware or the reap-what-you-sew part of life (Gal. 6:8). Jesus promised that the burden would not be easy, or the pathway either, for that matter, and my earthly consequences are truly "bummin' me out, dude!" I am not joyful. I am self degrading, unrealistic, and according to my family 'quite the grump', to use "Disney Language".
So, recognition of these awful and destructive attributes has led me to want to change for the better - like, totally." However, I intimately understand when the apostle Paul told said that which he hates doing is the act he does, and vice versa. This is so chopping me up. So I sign off to work on my math. Chow, Adios, Ba-Bye!
Apostle Paul,
James 2,
Friday, September 26, 2008

How can you patch a torn or punctured friendship? What is the recipe for strengthening a bond between buddies, without damage to marriages, children, jobs, and such? What is a friend? How does one define the extent of friendship?
There are individuals who have come across my path and made a lasting impression on my life. Many I called friends and yet I haven't seen or spoken to them in over twenty years. There are a small number of folks I have attempted to reconnect with whether they be college or high school friends, and for a multitude of reasons the reconnect never happened.
So now I sit, a half century old with an ex-wife, wife and kids from late twenties to grade school and my sweetie and I have talked a lot about our lack of friends. No couples to hang out with, go out with, invite over for a meal and a relaxing evening. The funny (weird) part of the story is that we as a family are involved in so many different things, and we can't ever find even one couple or other family to hang with. Church, Work, our school, and the kids school, PTSA, Little League, Dance, AYSO, and Pop Warner are all places to find folks for friendships.
David wrote in the Psalms 22 that "Iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the favor of his friend." Jesus parable about the man who had company unexpectedly drop in and he went to local friends to borrow food, receiving a rather negative response. Asking, regardless of the inhibitions or expected reply is the key to that lesson. Other Bible references to friends are in the negative, as in worldly influences taking focus from God.
The question is still how do I restore a friendship, or build one that is meaningful?
David the Psalmist,
friends for life,
volunteer activities
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Traveling Questions

I was thinking . . .
Why are there no beavers in Beaver, Utah?
Why is there absolutely nothing to see or do in Browse, Utah?
The only trees in Cedar City, Utah are elm, oak, and pine.
There is no airport in Parachute, Colorado.
What if Rifle, Colorado had a No - Gun law?
Has anyone found gold, silver, or anything in Silt, Colorado?
Why does Commerce City, Colorado smell like a toxic waste dump?
What in the world is a Lochbuie, Colorado?
Was Brush, Colorado formerly Fuller-Brush, Colorado, starring Red Skelton?
Monday, July 21, 2008

Time to get away. Not for me, who has had about the most unproductive summer on record. Not for my kids, who have had a great summer of dancing, baseball, Disney Channel, their niece, and their brother back from Japan. This getaway is for mom. Working 50 - 60 hours per week, taking time out of sleeping to volunteer for D3's dance recital, S4's All-Star Baseball games, and any family time we had.
She is single-handedly taking care of this entire family. Her parents get sick, and she's there. Any child has a problem, she solves it. She is the embodiment of "Wonder Woman". She takes a vacation to get away. She needs to 'veg' for a while. She has earned this. Unfortunately, in lieu of a Club Med week on a Caribbean Island, or a Cruise, or hiking a 14,000 ft. peak, her vacation will consist of ten days on the northeast prairie of Colorado. She deserves much better.
Friday, May 30, 2008
The fact is that I have a Bachelor's degree and can not acquire a job. The bills are falling farther behind - I am still looking at another year of school and credential tests before I can get a full time teacher's job. I need full time employment and can not find anything that is above minimum wage. Not to worry - there is no need to stress when God is in charge, and all our needs will be met. This I believe and yet I know I need to take care for my family.
Bachelor degree,
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Life With A Bachelor of Arts
I have worked for this degree for over two years. My loving and oh, so patient wife has inspired, cheered, and helped me every step of the way. My children gave up daddy time to allow me to write, read, and study. Our financial situation during this period of education has deteriorated to dismal, because during this process we supported my D2, her boyfriend and their daughter, my precious and beautiful granddaughter. In addition, S3 decided to move in with us because of his trouble with his mom and step dad, and we could not say no. So Pam worked and worked, I worked part-time, and was a student full time. Nine total mouths and bodies, with needs and wants and only two contributing to the financial well being of the whole.
Don't get me wrong, D2 worked her butt off to support herself and her daughter, and she went to school full time on top of her full time job. She had money for her new car, including gas and insurance, her partying lifestyle, and childcare for daughter, and she paid us a stipend just for a help with food and some bills, but it never was enough to cover their expenses. We spent our savings fixing up our house for them to have a private apartment - type place, and then our monthly bills got bigger and bigger for three years.
A high school student, S3, has many needs. He needs to be inspired to finish school, do his best in order to learn the most, and absorb as much attention and energy from a family as physically possible. Much of this energy is taken in chauffeuring from place to place, the funding for everything he needs and most of his wants. Very hard in the long run to make a child of divorce (we had a total of four) buy in to a "family" plan and help work WITH a family instead of "All for One" and screw the All plan.
This has been about our deep and dismal financial picture. I received my B.A. degree to recreate a better picture. I can not get employed! So, my life with a Bachelor of Arts degree is just that, the same life with a pretty piece of paper, a tassel, and a funky black dress thing.
Don't get me wrong, D2 worked her butt off to support herself and her daughter, and she went to school full time on top of her full time job. She had money for her new car, including gas and insurance, her partying lifestyle, and childcare for daughter, and she paid us a stipend just for a help with food and some bills, but it never was enough to cover their expenses. We spent our savings fixing up our house for them to have a private apartment - type place, and then our monthly bills got bigger and bigger for three years.
A high school student, S3, has many needs. He needs to be inspired to finish school, do his best in order to learn the most, and absorb as much attention and energy from a family as physically possible. Much of this energy is taken in chauffeuring from place to place, the funding for everything he needs and most of his wants. Very hard in the long run to make a child of divorce (we had a total of four) buy in to a "family" plan and help work WITH a family instead of "All for One" and screw the All plan.
This has been about our deep and dismal financial picture. I received my B.A. degree to recreate a better picture. I can not get employed! So, my life with a Bachelor of Arts degree is just that, the same life with a pretty piece of paper, a tassel, and a funky black dress thing.
Monday, May 5, 2008
First Step - Done!
Bachelor of Arts in English from California Baptist University - that is what it says on my diploma. That phrase is completely awesome to me - "my diploma" - a road of many challenges and even more joys is behind me, and now in front of me is a new road. A certificate of qualification to teach in California, with classroom work, a test, and student teaching all lay before me.
It was a great celebration of accomplishment. My kids that were in Southern California were here share in my joy, with my fantastic inspirer and life partner I am very proud to call my wife, my folks, my in-laws, and my sister and her family, plus two dear friends all braved the desert sun, heat, and my company to wish me well. Their prayers on my behalf have been lifted throughout this process. They have asked, encouraged, and even nagged to help me get this part of the process finished.
So, here I go, ready or not, into phase two of the Teacher Plan. Thank you Lord, for Your blessings, Your love, and guidance over my life.
Bachelor degree,
California Baptist Univ.,
My WIfe,
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
BEFORE All Else Fails

Very important educational fact of my life - WARNING - The next sentence is heavy in spiritual content - if reading about God and spiritual matters offends, don't read any more - Simply go to the comment section and leave your name or screen name so I can pray for you-
Prayer is a great thing! In Philippians chapter 4, Paul, while sitting in a stinking hell-hole of a jail awaiting execution for his belief and actions thereby coinciding with his belief in Christ as Savior and Lord wrote to the church and told them to handle their little problems with joy, and pray in EVERY situation. Don't worry, but pray - and my favorite part of this specific lesson is in the verse following the command to pray - verse seven is so clear and yet I have heard preacher after preacher screw it up. "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus" (ASV). Too bad Paul didn't say, whatever you ask for, whatever is the source of your worry, if you are in my good graces and have done all the right things, your thoughts are Godly, and your heart is pure, then you will get whatever you want or need.
To sum up, don't worry, give up control to God. Pastor Greg Laurie defines worry as a "lack of trust in God." At the point that you give it up to God, your life will be at peace, the most fantastic peace too awesome to understand, regardless of God's answer to your situation.
I use this forum to confess -
I need God to take away the stress of our finances. I need to give Him my stress over our finances. Pam is working herself too hard, I am not working enough, and our bills are beginning to overwhelm us. I am rolling on toward a teaching job, ignoring the latest budget news about education cuts and the possible scarcity of teaching jobs for newbies like me. My school bill is so high I can't get my diploma when I graduate in May, until it gets paid in full.
I must put into motion the actions I am professing with my words. End of blog, I have a "prayervious" engagement!
Friday, February 1, 2008
How Long Can You Wait?

This morning I heard a great story on local Christian radio, KSGN 89.7 in Riverside/San Bernadino California. A young girl asked her mother, "How old was (older sister's name) when see asked Jesus into her heart?" The mother answered, "Seven." There was a long pause in the conversation, as it took place in the car, and mom was driving, and the little girl was in the back seat. Finally, the little girl spoke up, "Mom, I don't think I can wait that long!"
Friday, January 25, 2008
Anti-Prefunctory Parental Ponderings
Outside of my relationship with God and my wife, there is nothing more important than my children. I have a daughter from a college liaison, let's call D1, that twenty-three years ago I gave up for adoption to the man who wanted to marry my college friend. I have a son from my first marriage, he will be S3, and two from my present and final marriage, S4 and D3. My wife had three children in her first marriage, S1, D2, and S2, which means between us, seven people are walking the planet as a direct result of our choices.
When D1's mom thought it best I have NO contact with our daughter, but my family (parents, aunts) were still big parts of her life, I was able to stay up to date on D1's life. When she asked about me, she was told some sort of nonsense, and when she actively was looking to speak with me (through my parents whom she called Grandma & Grandpa) she was fifteen, so I wrote her a letter telling her how I wanted what was best for her, and her mom and the man that loved them both could make a good family for her. I was honest, telling her I loved her from the time she was born, but made choices because her mom and I weren't in love. Now D1 will be 26 next month, and she is a single mom with a one year old boy, and she lives on the east coast. She stays in touch via email and "Myspace", and she acknowledges me as a person. The irony is that my stepchildren and my own S3 treat me the same way.
Raised in my house, those children are just as uncommunicative, uncaring and unavailable emotionally as the girl who's only connection with me is biological. A symptom of the generation and our culture, I believe. However, that is a thought for a different blog. Now I have D2 who also had a child and needed my wife and my support for a time, and has an incredibly strange rationale for what she is entitled to. She doesn't refer to S4 and D3 as her brother and sister, just as "my mother's kids". This entitlement is shared unconsciously by all 5 of the older children. S1 is 26, and he keeps in touch to inform us about him. He has told us how he feels strongly that he needs to be more involved in his younger siblings lives, but only how they relate to HIM. There is no desire to relate to them. Examples - S4, an 11 year old, is very intelligent and has a communication level that S1 can understand. They chat for hours via Skype while D3, a nine year old, is dying to participate and listen and even tell her stories, but the parents have to intervene just to allow her any time at all. I am frequently perplexed by this phenomena, and then I hear stories of other children from a myriad of different ideologies and households who have the very same entitlement issues. I still feel quite guilty, even with the evidence society presents, for the following reasons:
My two youngest, S4 and D3, are still in the formative stages, elementary school ages. We have provided a great foundation of the importance of God, family, education, physical activities, and friends. D3 doesn't seem to get it. She just dances through life, making the same repeated errors, and her actions when explaining are simply, "yea, so what?" or a vacant stare that begs the question, "Hello, is ANYBODY home?" I feel like such a failure when I stand back and look at the large canvas of my family. It is my fault.
When D1's mom thought it best I have NO contact with our daughter, but my family (parents, aunts) were still big parts of her life, I was able to stay up to date on D1's life. When she asked about me, she was told some sort of nonsense, and when she actively was looking to speak with me (through my parents whom she called Grandma & Grandpa) she was fifteen, so I wrote her a letter telling her how I wanted what was best for her, and her mom and the man that loved them both could make a good family for her. I was honest, telling her I loved her from the time she was born, but made choices because her mom and I weren't in love. Now D1 will be 26 next month, and she is a single mom with a one year old boy, and she lives on the east coast. She stays in touch via email and "Myspace", and she acknowledges me as a person. The irony is that my stepchildren and my own S3 treat me the same way.
Raised in my house, those children are just as uncommunicative, uncaring and unavailable emotionally as the girl who's only connection with me is biological. A symptom of the generation and our culture, I believe. However, that is a thought for a different blog. Now I have D2 who also had a child and needed my wife and my support for a time, and has an incredibly strange rationale for what she is entitled to. She doesn't refer to S4 and D3 as her brother and sister, just as "my mother's kids". This entitlement is shared unconsciously by all 5 of the older children. S1 is 26, and he keeps in touch to inform us about him. He has told us how he feels strongly that he needs to be more involved in his younger siblings lives, but only how they relate to HIM. There is no desire to relate to them. Examples - S4, an 11 year old, is very intelligent and has a communication level that S1 can understand. They chat for hours via Skype while D3, a nine year old, is dying to participate and listen and even tell her stories, but the parents have to intervene just to allow her any time at all. I am frequently perplexed by this phenomena, and then I hear stories of other children from a myriad of different ideologies and households who have the very same entitlement issues. I still feel quite guilty, even with the evidence society presents, for the following reasons:
My two youngest, S4 and D3, are still in the formative stages, elementary school ages. We have provided a great foundation of the importance of God, family, education, physical activities, and friends. D3 doesn't seem to get it. She just dances through life, making the same repeated errors, and her actions when explaining are simply, "yea, so what?" or a vacant stare that begs the question, "Hello, is ANYBODY home?" I feel like such a failure when I stand back and look at the large canvas of my family. It is my fault.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Happy New Year to all of my three readers - been a busy holiday season with Christmas, school, family visiting from Colorado for an all-too-brief time. My 94 year-young grandma came with my parents. It was a blessing to spend so much time with her. My niece had her right ACL surgically repaired the day after Christmas, which became a freaky and almost surreal time with my sister and my brother-in-law, but a great new beginning and opportunity for one of the sweetest people on this planet. My oldest niece is a humble, talented and gorgeous high school junior. She has never had more than a scrape or bruise, and now she is dealing with a major injury and repair. This process is slower than she imagined. She is young and very healthy, with a great orthopedic surgeon - she will heal to a point almost as good as new -
This is the home stretch of my Bachelor Degree - I must get back to my term paper on English and Education and humor - a goofy topic, huh?
This is the home stretch of my Bachelor Degree - I must get back to my term paper on English and Education and humor - a goofy topic, huh?
Bachelor degree,
grandma noble,
new year
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