Thursday, June 13, 2013

First Love

    Whistling, skipping, almost floating on air - love made me a giddy moron. She was a wisp of a girl, with long blond hair and dimples that, when she smiled made her cheeks simply disappear. She had beautiful white teeth and shining deep blue eyes that when I looked into them for more than a minute, mysteriously caused my mind to dissolve into a gel-like goo - completely void of any and all synapse ability. I was under her spell, Cupid's arrow hit me right in the heart, the embodiment of a lovesick boy.

    How come I never felt like this before now? In the twelve years I had been alive, the puppy who came to live with us and the goofy crush on my babysitter paled in comparison to this euphoric, warm, encounter. I couldn't think of anything else but her. School was excruciating, lingering on and on. At home every minute I had to do chores or homework, my mind was elsewhere. Although I couldn't see her whenever I wanted,  Holding hands, kissing, none of these actions were even on my radar - just being in her presence made me happy.

    Happy, that is, until she got angry at something insensitive or rude that I said or did, and she kicked me right in the private and delicate boy area. Needless to say, from the moment I lay crumpled in agony, unable to do anything but cry, our relationship changed. I contemplated my future with women, and did a compare/contrast with sports. From that moment on, I vowed to be a professional baseball player who is a bachelor and adopts ten children.


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