Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Fluidity of Right and Wrong

    Isn't it interesting how our society moves, or changes on mores and morals, yet we are supposed to call it progress? History shows us that while not everything that is 'change' is bad, it isn't all good either! For instance, just to make a point, let's look at TV shows.  The comedy shows of the 1950's and 1960's were silly, not being able to say the word "pregnant" and having separate twin beds in the Ricardo's, Petrie's, and Cramden's houses for the married occupants, but the comedy is fun and friendly. Now contrast those "classic" shows with the 2013 line up - Two and a Half Men, and Modern Family, a hodge-podge mess of relationships that try in a thirty minute time slot to break as many of the Commandments as possible, and throw in shtick and a laugh track to push the comedy. The TV shows as a whole are raunchy, sexually over toned, or just plain crazy dumb. Reality shows, as they have been named, are probably the second worst idea in all of history, second only to the Roman Emperor's using Christians as torches for their parties.

   A small tangent - Reality TV is more contrived than the sitcom or drama genre. America is sucked into an idea, and even after the secret is revealed they are still hooked. I am now stepping off this soapbox.

    The technology today is incredible. All the advancements in tech have come in such a short time span. The latest and greatest Smart Phone, Computer, or Tablet are virtually obsolete as soon as they are put on the sales floor due to the next latest and greatest item being invented. While I choose not to argue, many argue that these advances are a determent to our freedoms, rights and privileges as Americans. Having nothing to hide may be the reason I have no argument. Still, some technology even effects how we perceive entertainment. The better the graphics and the image on the screen makes it a better show, whether TV or movie. I personally must disagree.

    America is a young and growing country. When held up to the countries in Europe and Asia, we are babies. We took from the best to form our Constitution, and the U.S.A. became a powerful and influential world power in a relatively short time. It was just a few generations back that books were the primary form of personal entertainment. We still have people living today that were around when Radio was the family entertainment hub. Imagination and intrigue were the cornerstones of the radio audience. Movies started as action with musical background, and important dialogue were cards read by the audience. This was known as the Silent Film age. When talkies were invented, then color film was introduced, the Motion picture industry was a skyrocket with no end in sight.

    Not that I want this to be about entertainment totally, just as an example. In the same way that entertainment has morphed, isn't it interesting how politicians have gone from being altruistic voices of the people to shills for the highest bidder. Right and wrong are fluid, waving in the breeze of public opinion and lobbyist dollars?


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