Matthew 22:36-40 NIV We read, listen, watch, live, and learn minute by minute - The focus has to be on God and not on ourselves -
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
If Ever The Sun Fails
I know that some of my friends are turned off by any discourse of spiritual matters, and for that I can only offer prayers for your heart to see what I see when I think of Jesus. Anyway, this isnot about you, it is about me. This week I have had two serious conversations with my parents about a not-so-happy moment for me when one or both of my parents shed their mortal coil and go to their mansion prepared for them in God's House (John 14). Selfishly, I admit that I don't want to see them go, that I wish I could have their light, their energy, and their insight for as long as I am on planet earth, but that is not realistic or healthy.
I love my parents, and although I put them through Hell on earth a few years ago for quite a few years, I am so very proud to have been raised by two of the greatest Christian people to walk the walk. They are truly humble and obedient to God's teaching. They bring light and life to every place they go and everyone they meet.
So, while we live for Christ, showing all we have contact with His love and His gospel, the humanity is still undeniable that we all will fade from this world and become new creatures with a new home after our death. This truth doesn't help deal with the reality of parents in need while still on earth. These questions and more are hard and inevitable as we adults try to plan and decide what to do in case of the worst (or the best, depending on the vantage point).
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming ...
These things don't get me down today, even though they are all real and potentially depression creating. There is only one reason - love - as my high school choir teacher so eloquently would say, "Not the 'l*u*v' that country western singers describe, but the big 'L', the real thing." This one thing is my solace. Like Dory, I do enjoy adventure. Over the years I have become crippled by failure, but not so long ago I would plunge into any situation just to do it, to feel alive. The failure that had me sidelined has been evaporated by love. Love of a Creator who made me, knows me, and wants me to willingly become His follower. His love sent to earth a Savior, Jesus, who took all the crap and ugliness of my life and washed it away with His blood as He died for all my sins, even though He was sinless Himself. That kind of love is so worth getting off my pity poor caboose and trying again.
Love is not just a spiritual thing, because my wife proves every minute of every day how much love can do. She is a wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt, neighbor, and friend. An amazingly dedicated and skilled nurse, she has been relegated to middle management supervisor and now is the whipping boy of her managers, who dump every unenviable task on her because they can. I often used to ask why she puts up with such behavior from her bosses, and she has told me time and time again - it finally soaked into this very thick melon atop my shoulders - she has to do this because without it we have no food, no house, nothing for the kids. She takes all the abuse and goes back day after day out of love for us, her family.
The love is not exclusive with God and my wife. I continue to receive love from two wonderful and generous parents, who have had their share of humiliation and disappointment having to raise a son like me. Yet they remain steadfast, and keep me and my family in their present thoughts and prayers. The same could be said for my in laws, who have graciously opened their lives to me and love me as if I was theirs.
I have some very good friends as well. I am truly blessed to have so much. Like Dory, I know that no matter what obstacle arises I meet it and "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming."
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Much Ado Becomes Much Doo-Doo
The nasty and ugly words that grew from the attitudes of prejudice against the President, his political party, or whatever caused them were the most disturbing parts of this story. Even yesterday, after the speech had been given, dissected, and spun, the pundits and the people continued to debate over it's value. Family and friends I dearly love and respect so passionately wrote and spoke in terms of hate and negativity. They have every right to speak their mind, but tainted words and phrases such as "lack of trust", or "brainwashing" in opposition to the speech create a very uncool vibe, even if it gets the best meaning. Obama is the President of the United States, not Svengali, or some cult leader like Jones or Koresh.
This anti - Obama vibe is very sad and upsetting. I tell you I am a Bible believing, active follower of Jesus Christ. I am a Christian. Politically, I am a liberal financially, and a moderate socially. I am registered as an independent because I can't be on either political team. I have more kids than the average American, with two still in public school. To top off this diatribe, I am an educator in training. So, my spiritual belief system, political views, familial situation, and my career path lead me to hope that instead of polarizing and dividing, that short-sighted and passionate people would think of the situation in terms of Jesus and not personal "ado".
The saddest part is the 'Christian' church takes a beating by those who are outside and need to excuse and justify there behaviors and attitudes because of short-sighted un Christ-like church people. I fail to classify either side as ignorant, but when either side of the argument has nothing to stand on except prejudice, then that is an ignorant behavior. President Barack Obama's speech on September 8, 2009 to students in the U.S.A. is a great example. When "Christians" err, then the agnostic or athiest don't hear the message, even when the message is Bible-based and from the words of Jesus or His apostles. Passionate vapor as opposed fundamental truth is not distinguished by those who need the message - which is all humanity.
More important than the debate, the rhetoric, and all the posturing is the loss of opportunity to demonstrate Christ's love and understanding. There is also the filtering of young minds by mom, dad, or the pastor against authority in general, the President specifically, where they don't listen, process, and use information because they have been modeled. "A mind is a terrible thing to waste," but a relationship with Jesus is far more important.
Inconsistent Coach, Inconsistent Defense
History of both Marshall and other prima donna wideouts is that they continue to divide locker rooms and pout until the cancer is so widespread the season becomes a joke for the players, coaches, but mostly the fans --- those who actually pay the team to play.
This article is newsworthy but the statement of kid coach is just a joke. My original prediction of 6 to 8 wins could be way too high - and preseason is still droning on.
Friday, August 21, 2009
My Fickled Americans
Recent surveys and polls show the President's approval rating and the country's confidence in him slipping. Let us all take a breath and have a reality check - He has been in office less than nine months. I'm not saying he has all the answers, and I'm not saying the man who preceded him didn't. In fairness, G. W. had two terms, and he didn't get very much accomplished due to partisan politics in the legislature. But come on, you start a new job that is hurting and your boss expects overnight success and immediate results - that is unfair.
My history example is the children of Israel in the book of Exodus. Slaves in Egypt, they cried to God for freedom. God gives it to them, and they complain about shortages and hard times now that they're free. God says okay, and provides for their needs. He summons Moses to receive the laws on the mountain, and the people gripe and moan, and begin to stray from what they know is right and start to party like it's 1999. Then they complain about the length of the walk, and so on. They are never happy, and Moses goes from hero to goat so much it is absurd.
At least let the process take it's course. Give President Obama chance to do his job before you rise up and vilify him for a bad job. Good grief, Charlie Brown, or America, you're such a block headed nation!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Spiritual Retreat

I am Yours regardless of
The clouds that may loom above
Because You are much greater than my pain
You who made a way for me
By suffering Your destiny
So tell me what’s a little rain
All the things that my wife has to endure because she is married to me, and the kids surgeries and life struggles, all of that seems to just hone her faith into something so strong and amazing. I have been working on my life, growing and changing for His betterment of me, working hard on not focusing on my failures but on God's future for me, and all the stuff we wade through daily seems insignificant.
The festival was a great blessing, and I am reminding myself while I share with you that I need to walk in faith and keep walking, and not be paralyzed with stupid fears and baggage of my past.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Long Live The Intelligent and The Emotional
In the same manner others on the planet shift only on the emotional response, with no regard for logic, evidence, or reason. These humans "feel" everything, and a general rule is that they shift behaviors like the weather in the Rocky Mountains. One minute is sunny and without notice a rain storm hits - the next day could bring snow or maybe sun again. The feelings we have as people is not to rule us, but to be tempered by our intellect. Many things we feel in one moment will be gone soon, and thus man emotionally driven humans are left empty and bitter.
I personally know people who believe that the brain is the ultimate controlling piece of human tissue. Sensory and emotional receptors are either neglected or intentionally shut off to allow the power of thought to overtake every fiber of their being. Others like Thoreau seclude themselves and do nothing but chastise, ridicule and blame in order to justify their plight. I am in no way saying that the intelligence of man is to be overshadowed by the emotions inherent in us all. I am saying that glorifying brain over the other vital parts of human essence is wrong.
Some people are talented with their hands, growing crops, building things, creating art, cooking, and other things. Others are thinkers, planners, managers, and coaches who so successfully find things for everyone to do and figure how parts fit together. The old adage of "doers" and "thinkers" does apply. The argument that "I am a thinker, therefore I am exempt from productivity, and I am the 'moral compass' due to my vast intelligence" is a flawed argument. Voltaire has been proven right time and time again when he said, "power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely." Unfortunately the opposite is vastly true as well - that the absence of power corrupts as well. Too many Americans sit on their overweight cabooses, watch agenda driven TV, and draw conclusions without any principles or actions to back them up.
It is a fact that over fifty percent of Americans do not participate in the process of government set up for them - the vote. Yet everyone, voters and non-voters alike gripe and complain when they are not beneficially compensated, or when an official errs somehow. This past 4th of July I spent the evening at the local fireworks show put on by the city of Corona, CA, where a parade and all day party were in progress when we arrived at dusk. Before the fireworks show, a WWII veteran who was a resident of Corona was honored.
This Navy Captain had been a POW, had survived the Bataan Death March, and had received doctoral degrees in Psychology and Theology. This man who was shrunken due to age has such a story - he lived his life. No "woulda' shoulda' coulda'" with him. His example to all is like that of the apostle Paul from the Bible the man had a life lived, and knew where he was destined. He didn't live for power, fame, money, or personal gratification. He knew that actions had to marry words. He talked about belief and emotions, and he argued intellectually about a relationship with God. There is a bond between our emotions and our intelligence. To ignore one and exalt the other is not good stewardship.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Ripping the Constitution - Between Church and State
The above is the exact wording of the first amendment to the U. S. Constitution. My only question is, when did San Diego secede and form their own laws? This article about a Bible study intrigued me greatly.
I guess a second question is, Is California so deep in debt that ANY possible financial tributary must be drained dry?
I sincerely hope that City officials think long and hard - and that God's people would pray without ceasing - for this situation. Please click the hyperlink to read the article.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
How Blessed Am I

Mac Powell is just incredibly blessed. His voice is so deep and pure, and his power is indescribable. His abilities are immense and the irony is his frame is so small. As a band I have been a fan for years, and finally I saw them live. I have been to many concerts in my lifetime, from Donny and Marie to ZZ Top and the Scorpions, from Up With People to DC Talk. There are just a few bands ever that sound best when they play live. Singers like Amy Grant, Crystal Lewis, the Carpenters, and Neil Diamond are all far better on a recording than live. John Denver, the Eagles, U2, ZZ Top, America, Casting Crowns, and Third Day are the greatest live "shows" I have ever witnessed.
The most important factor that sets MercyMe, Casting Crowns and Third Day apart is their allegiance to the Holy Spirit in their Lyrics as well as their concert. MercyMe and Crowns were the most dynamic worship experiences I ever had, and Third Day was a fantastic worship service not so clandestinely disguised as just an old school rock and roll Praise concert.
Sharing this magnificent time with the Lord, my wife and two dear friends are memories I'll treasure until I sit at Jesus' feet praising God with ALL the saints - the word awesome doesn't even scratch the surface of my being's euphoria. I wish my vocabulary could do justice to how vast and awesome I feel after being blessed. Thank you, Lord, for allowing me such a blessing.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
My Character

Sunday, March 1, 2009
Old Pottery, New Hope
I am not unequivocally dismissing direct revelation today, because I am not smart or holy enough to limit God in any way, but there are many things I hear 'that make me go hmm'. When scripture says, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2:38 NIV), there are very important and simple principles laid out for the human, and yet much is left to further hermeneutics study and interpretation. In short this one cornerstone verse of scripture from the beginning of the church can be viewed, argued, discussed, or taught in a number of ways because of an individual and their personal 'baggage' that filters or directs the head and the heart. This week I was told that my faith and my destiny were in question because I had never personally had a 'Holy Spirit moment' of one of the gifts such as 'tongues, prophecy, or healing' (these were the three he referred to specifically).
The gentleman and I were talking about the church because of a t-shirt I was wearing, and he began to relate to me instances in his life with other pastors who had the audacity to challenge his testimony, yet he then spiritually 'drop-kicked' me due to my lack of manifestations of gifts as laid out by the apostle Paul. His ministry was with a Church that has been very big in the Inland Empire of southern California, and he wasn't contrite for argument's sake, but he truly had me befuddled. He is a friendly and loving man. He just had a very interesting habit of changing meanings or not being able to recall scripture that help defend his feelings or beliefs.
When I would either quote or reference scripture to ask him to think about his defiant stance, he would tell me that the true meaning of my reference was something all-together different. To the point, he told me straight up, "When anyone prays for something like a healing or a tangible thing, and God doesn't answer your prayer by granting the request, the fault lies with the person praying, because God NEVER says no to any request." I asked him about David and the temple, and Paul and his "thorn in the flesh", and he had rationalizations (to me, anyhow) to deny each example.
This rambling is not to seek vengeance or satisfaction, but honestly to seek answers. Since I am the only one reading my writing, maybe in my study I can come across, answers, or this is one of those 'agree to disagree' topics, not important for the gospel message, but just a question for God after judgement.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Why Can't I Be Like Marty McFly?

Interestingly, the ball/bat analogy is what the term repent implies. Turning around from a thought or behavior, a 180 degree 'about face'.