With some people there are pages and pages of evidence as to their moral character, regardless of what they profess to be "made of", or "about", or "how they roll". Then, there are others on this 3rd rock from the sun who have just glimpses into their lives, a few shining, or even startling moments that define their character. These actions, whether in abundance or ever so rare, are in religious terms known as "fruits".
It is a small quandary to many people, what kind of fruit their lives produce, because their "spirituality" or "faith" is personal and internal, what they believe is nobody else's business. These folks stand on an island where the terms "personal saviour", "separation of church and state", and "freedom to ..." are bandied about and venerated so as to cloak or exhume their actions, excuse their behavior because the words professed don't mix with the actions portrayed.
There are far less people on our planet that "walk their talk". Responsibility for errors in judgement, the ability to make a hard and unpopular choice even if it is a good or righteous choice. These folks are hard to find today, because the world is looking to beat down or dismiss the good as fraud for the pleasure of the now. Societal norms and mores outweigh Godly parameters set thousands of years ago by Jesus, the son of God, who came to us in a miracle, and left in another, yet humans fail to grasp His importance.
I am not judging everyone here, because I am not naive to the fact that many use their religious beliefs as an eternal and never ending "get out of jail free" card, neatly tucked away, only to be displayed in those moments when absolution from responsibility can be achieved. Not that a motivation for faith in God is fear of punishment, at least in part, but that a relationship with God is more important than the simple dread of eternal castigation.
Like I said earlier, examples of these behaviors are out there. So many examples of people living to their own or societies lack of standards, leading to erosion of character and most often public displays of outrageous behavior. In entertainment, so many are fooled by the popularity, only to fall victim to it. Over and over we read or hear how Anna Nicole Smith was just a trainwreck and yet even after her death more crap about her life continues to surface. Britany's behavior is not exemplary for a mother of two, unless that mother is utterly lost spiritually. Bill Clinton got caught in a stupid lie about an even more stupid situation where he broke sacred vows of marriage, and most folks excused him from those actions "Because everyone does it".
And then in sports we see evidence of the lack of morals and ethics in the BALCO scandal, the "who cares" attitude of baseball fans towards the biggest cheaters of all, while many scoff and exonerate Bonds, Sosa, and McGwire because they've NEVER been caught, while Rafael Palmiero is considered a liar, cheater, and an idiot because he got caught. Floyd Landis is now a footnote instead of Tour de France champion. Leonard Little killed someone with his car, but because he is an all pro NFL player with millions of dollars he is slapped on the wrist. Ron Artest is a punk who is in severe need of help, but his "ballin'" skills are so great he is allowed to be that way.
These are but a "tip of the iceberg" few and they represent millions of people not in the media spotlight everyday, who cheat on their taxes, break driving laws, have sex with people out of a marriage setting, or sit around a table with coffee or sodas and gossip about neighbors or friends to disparage their characters!
This article was originally motivated by the Drew/Coletti feud. As I sit and watch J. D. Drew year after year take millions of dollars from baseball, and miss 1/3 of every season from hangnails to knee pains, I have an opinion that he is not worth the money and aggravation he brings to a team, even though he is obviously a gifted talent on the baseball field. He is known as a Christian guy in the Major League. He isn't a big talker, not prone to interviews, but has a reputation for his spiritual lifestyle. This strong Christian man has the number two agent in the hierarchy of slimy creeps that one could employ. Only next to Drew Rosenhaus is Scott Boros second place in being a scum bag. Boros is Drew's agent.
That said, the Dodgers GM, Ned Coletti was quoted in the LA Times pertaining to Drew. Coletti, speaking about Drew, said of the whole "opting out" of his big contract last year for bigger money was not good for the Dodgers, and then took a shot at Drew saying that Drew is ""a spiritual guy and a man of his word," Colletti said at the time. "I guess he changed his word."" It is only my opinion, but I believe that Ned Coletti is not the great person he was touted to be. He may be a great talent evaluator, and good with the economics of a baseball team, but his communication skills leave much to be desired. Disparaging a man's spiritual nature because he legally voided his contract in which your employer, Mr. Coletti, signed and allowed J. D. to do, that is like saying stupid stuff like Biden and John Kerry have said.
Finally, J. D. is not lily white in this thing either. This would not be an issue if Mr. Drew was "walking his talk". I can't change Mr. Drew's behavior, but I look inside my own life and things are exposed. I don't want to be called a hypocrite, like J. D. I want to be thought of as a man who's fruit is from a Godly, upright, and happy tree.